Sunday, August 1, 2010

Turibus: Part 1, Polanco

Site seeing on the Turibus* was interesting if not a bit on the overly-long side, but we got to see more of the city. The tour started off in our neighborhood, Polanco...

*Warning: Although not advertised in the promotional materials,
low hanging branches will be slapping you in the face on this tour. Thank you!

Antara, the finest and most exclusive mall in Mexico City...also has a casino!

El Palacio de Hierro / The Iron Palace...aka the Cheese Wedge!

Someone stole the corner out of that building!

La Feria amusement park in Chapultepec.
Spanish lesson #1:
Rollercoaster = Montaña russo*
*(literal translation = Russian Mountain!)

Spanish fountain in Condesa neighborhood.

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