Showing posts with label Cooking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cooking. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Summer Baking

This summer was filled with many delicious baking and cooking projects!

M&M's Cake!

 Seattle roll

Strawberry Gardens cake

 Roast pork dinner party

 Homemade brown pressed tofu...yum!

 The finished product was similar to shitake mushrooms!

 Blackberry cheesecake as the move approaches...

 Gyoza dumplings for our going away party

Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie
*Mover's coming in a few days...apparently, I'm a stress-baker!*

 Movers arrive tomorrow!
Time to bake!


Taste the rainbow

 See you in DC!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Back to Kettle Falls

We had such a great visit with everyone on our winter vacation! Here's a roundup of photos from phones, Instagram and anything else that was floating around in the cloud.

 Farm cappuccino!

Pancake helper

 Egg washer

 Chewelah detour

 Tape tunnel

 Fun with cousin Annie

 Pottery painting

 Quality time with gramps

 Happy New Year!

 Learning to drive with grandma


 Yurt view

 Kylie's bathtub view

 Snowy road

 This is my 4:00am face!

 Let's go to Disneyland!

I'm decorating grandpa as a Christmas tree!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

One great thing about Majuro is that we had access to everything that we needed for a normal Thanksgiving dinner! The turkey was a Butterball and the cranberries were fresh! Even though it's a ton of work, I really love making it, and it was so fun to put it together with Autumn. To make it even better, we had family here to share it with!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Making a bunting craft with Kylie

A beautiful evening sky
 Pumpkin pies to donate to a community dinner

 Fresh cranberries!

 All set!

 The Barefoot Contessa's "light" cheesecake
ONLY 2 1/2 lbs of cream cheese!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

iPhone Roundup - August

Here's what Kylie and I have been up to this month (while on dry land).

 Playing pirate & princess...
...time to fight some giants!

 Playing paper mermaid dolls

 Playing soccer and volleyball in the yard

 Early morning at the airport

 Sunrise silhouette

 Morning blooms

 Finger painting time!

 Majuro is the island of rainbows

 Boat ride over crystal clear waters

 Local kids on a block of styrofoam / homemade boat!

 Kylie's preschool schedule...
...I wish this was my schedule!

 Orange donkey towing princess ball

 Still lagoon

 Homemade swing

 Still life for the art class I started teaching

 Another day, another outfit

 Cooking & baking fun!

 Kylie's first worksheets

 Good morning Mr. Lizard

Story time in the hammock