Saturday, January 7, 2012

USA Roadtrip - Death Valley Edition

This morning we got up bright and early and headed out into the desert to see Death Valley in all of its dried and salty glory.  We had been looking forward to this for some time both because Death Valley is supposed to be incredible and because we were getting a much missed USA ROADTRIP!!  It was a beautiful day, and we had so much fun exploring the desert!

Bienvenidos al Valle de la Muerte!

First stop: Zabriskie Point, home of these impressive formations.

Our descent begins into the valley...the air feels so thick and good here!


The descent continues...

Scenic look into the valley.

Death Valley's Artist's Palette.   Que pretty!

More pretty colors from the Artist's Drive.

It's us!!  We're here!!

Dust in the valley.  These cars look pretty spooky!

Salt formations in the Devil's Golf Course.

Salt formation close up.  It's so cool.

The descent is complete!  Here we are at 282 feet below sea level!

Badwater Basin, here we come!

This was one of the most amazing things we have ever seen.  These salt flats went as far as you could see.  Incredible!

All of these salt flats were made of these tiny salt fingers.

Salt flats forever!

After the salt flats, we headed back to Vegas.  Here's the moonrise over the desert.

A spectacular sunset.

And we're back to the happiest place on earth & cheap beer.  Aka, Las Vegas :)

 Not a big win, but it made me feel patriotic!!

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