Saturday, February 25, 2012


We had to work on Thursday and Friday, so Ed and Lynn took the Turibus up to the pyramids and then went to the Anthropology museum.

Saturday, we packed up some snacks and headed out to Piedra Herrada. Even though it doesn't look like it from my pictures, there were tons of butterflies in big clusters on the trees that would all take off at the same time with each gust of wind, and it was just a magical as always!

What was not so magical were the caballitos, especially for Autumn. My "guide" wouldn't hold the reins, so I was in charge of my own little horse which meant that I had to pay a slight amount of attention to keeping it from walking off the cliff! We all made it up and down, safe and sound.

When we got to Mexico City, we drove over to the Ciudadela Artesania, which is the arts and crafts "mall". After about an hour of shopping, there was a huge hail/rain storm, which immediately flooded the whole place in ice water since the "roof" is basically a pile of tarps, pieces of plastic and metal sheeting and other assorted garbage. Luckily, we made it back to the car without getting totally soaked. On the way home, we stopped at Villa Maria for our last dinner together.

The next morning we had a fantastic breakfast in the sun at Ivoire before we had to drop Ed and Lynn off at the airport. It was a great visit, and we had a ton of fun! 

 Autumn and Lynn mounting up!

 Look at all the pony tails!

 It was pretty cold today, and the butterflies were mostly in their oyamel tree clusters.

 More cluster-cam!


 Hibernating fun

 Say Monarch!

 Flying about

 View of the forest...reminds me of home!

 Autumn pretending to be happy to be back on the horse-ito

Our 35 peso roses (about $2.75!)
We bought them off a pickup truck!

Thanks for the great time!
See you soon!

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