Friday, October 12, 2012

A Dreary Day in Seattle (Imagine That!)

We made the most of our last day in Seattle (for now), dreary as it was.  We had stuff to get done, and met Jason for lunch at (guess where???) Peso's before heading up to Marysville to kick off family weekend!

First things first, we had a very important 10 page document to fax.  That's right, I said fax.  Like in the 90s.  It is ridiculously expensive nowadays ($16.50 to fax 10 pages to DC.  Boo!), and the only way to communicate with the medical division of my employer.  I know, I know, faxing is the only secure way to send things, they say...but really.  Someone needs to come up with a better idea.  /rant  /90s references.

Walking around on Queen Anne we came across this classic Seattle moment.  Nice.

This understated, tucked away little coffee shop is our new favorite place.

Snitters and hot beverages (including a Matcha Latte that was to die for!!) for all!

After lunch we headed up to Aunt Linda's house in Marysville.  After a spin around the outlet mall (hurray!), we left Miss Kylie with my mom and aunt for a couple hours while we had dinner at Blackfish.  It was the first time we had been away from the baby, and it went pretty well.  When I told Eric how nervous I was, he rightly pointed out how my mom had successfully raised me, to which I replied that I was not worried about Kylie being okay at all...I was worried about my mom being okay putting up with Kylie McScreamers for 3 hours lol.  Luckily all was well, we had an incredible meal and came back to a sleeping baby.  :)

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