Sunday, October 21, 2012

Seriously?? Snow???

Today was the last day Tiffany and the kids were visiting, so, of course we spent the day together!  The plan was to go on a family hike...but there was a rather unpleasant surprise.  Snow.  Accumulating snow on the trail.  !!

Ugh, that is one frosty car!

Dad & Lynn (who are well prepared for a snow walk) & me (who is not).

Eric and Kylie in snowy wood.  Can you spot Kylie??

The snow is so pretty in pictures...not so much in person.

The snowy forest.

Family portrait time (minus Eric & the babes...Eric was our illustrious photographer)!  Everyone say cheese!!

The march forward continues through the snow and all.

My niece picking up moss.  She says she collects it (in her pockets) in case we get lost and need a fire.  Smart kid!

Weird mushrooms in the snow.

Here's my nephew in a hollowed out tree trunk.  He could totally wait out the storm in there!

Yet another weird mushroom in the snow!

The sign marking the trail head.  We were on the Kettle Crest trail, which would have been a really awesome hike had the weather not been so awful...

 At the top of the Pass!

Fall colored forest.

I think winter is coming....

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